Giornalino del Liceo "C. Montanari" di Verona

Mese: Aprile 2023

Irena Sendler

Irena Sendler was born to catholic parents in Poland in 1910. She grew in a Jewish town where her father treated Jewish patients while other doctors refused to help. As a young woman she was furios at the constant discrimination against her Jewish friends: at university she publicly denounced segregation in classrooms.


The biblical story of Judith features in countless works of art: but the most iconic of all was painted by Artemisia Gentileschi  when she was just 19 years old. In her life she visited the  subject of  Judith repeatedly, focusing on the moment of  Holoferne’s  beheading: in the painting that Artemisia finished in 1613, Judith has pushed up her sleeves and wedged her knee on the bed to counter Holoferne’s resistance. The picture is highly realistic and its effect is a very direct emotional appeal to viewers.   

5 ways social media is changing your brain  

Social media and the Internet are used by 1 third of the entire world so they have a major influence on society, but also on our bodies and brains. 5 to 10% of users are unable to control how much time they spend online, and they can’t log off.

Una giornata di rafting

In occasione della giornata dello sport del 24 marzo, il nostro liceo ha voluto dare agli studenti la possibilità di provare una nuova attività, il rafting, in collaborazione con l’associazione sportiva “Adige rafting”. 


La celebrazione del matrimonio in ogni cultura è considerata uno dei momenti più significativi della vita, poiché da quel momento i due coniugi cominceranno la loro vita insieme in cui condivideranno tutto, dalle cose più semplici e quotidiane a quelle più importanti e profonde. 

Il cyberbullismo

La parola cyberbullismo indica un atto aggressivo o molesto compiuto da un adolescente o preadolescente tramite l’impiego dei nuovi strumenti di comunicazione online (siti web, chat, social network ecc.). 

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